After cranking it out for a few weeks, dyeing, skeining, labeling, painting, decorating, fusing, fussing, beading, felting, knitting....I'm taking a break for a week. I woke up to this Monday morning. I love this view across the road from us. I walked out in my jammies and got these photos. The mist was just rising from the lowlands.

Sunday night right after studio tour I met a group of friends to do our full moon paddle. This is the Hunter Moon and it was big, bold and orange as it was rising

The first night there were about 12 of us. My friend, Ann, was away and was sorry she missed it, so I said I'd to it again Monday night. So Penny, Ann and I went out. The weather has been so perfect, unseasonably warm for mid-October, so we just had to take advantage. I'd be home knitting and watching tv and this is just so much better.

We paddled up to a nearby island, with the sky turning a bright pink and the moon rising behind us.

The water is quite low and there's a huge driftwood log in the middle of the Potomac.

It's covered in grasses and looks rather eery. We saw a heron on it one time.

This is the entrance to the cove where we beach our kayaks and set up cocktails.

A few times ago there was this washed up drum and the next time we went a flat piece of plywood washed up and makes a perfect tabletop. I'm hoping the next time that 4 tall bar stools wash up. Tuesday night was another beautiful evening so 5 of us women went out again. This time we had a table cloth and a candle. And plenty of wine.

Then on Thursday I went riding with 3 friends from Poolesville. We had planned on ending up at Harper's Ferry but rain turned us back at Brunswick.

This is a just completed renovation of the bridge going over one of the creeks on the Canal.

I saw these amazing bright orange mushrooms. I screeched to a halt, turned around and had to get a closer look.

Outrageous color!

And these cute little numbers.... like fuzzy hats. 'Shrooms are so incredible.

And then every other day, I'm biking around the mountain. The soybeans are turning bright golden and the trees are changing colors more every day.

This is my favorite building on the ride. It's an old general store near Park Mill's Road. I wish it was stocked with goods and we could stop in and get a pop and a candy bar.

Poison ivy is beautiful this time of year.

Fixer upper: with just a little bit of work, a front porch, some columns, windows, a floor, plumbing, electricity, siding, and paint, this would be a great place!

but this place is adorable, with Sugarloaf Mountain in the distance.

Tina riding through the canopy on Mt. Ephraim Road.

We zip by these stone bridges but I never tire of looking at them.

This is Little Bennet, so peaceful. One time Tina and I saw a doe and her twin fawns slowly walking across this river.

You'll find me out biking every day that it's nice. Cya!