The third Thursday of the month is our felting study group. We don't really study, we create. This month's project was making slippers. Above are Sharon's fairy slippers. She first made the felt material with wool roving and bits of yarn. Then pieces were cut out, sewn together into these adorable little shoes and embellished to make them even more awesome.

Sharon showed us how to stitch the ribbon on in this flower like pattern.

But it started here. When Sharon takes on a project, she does it in the most thorough way. She had lined up bags filled with various felted slippers, each done a different way. She explained each one, giving directions and showing a pattern for each. She even bought a pair of boots, deconstructed one and recreated it in in hand made felt, even adding a zipper.

These are just a few of the samples. They'll be decorated in time for our studio tour.

Grace wearing green, working with green, being green.

Roz fashioned fairy slippers for her granddaughter.

I decided to make regular slippers, not fairy slippers. I laid out layers of colorful roving first. It's hard to believe that mess of fluff.....

turned into these wearable booties. I need to turn down the tops, add some beads and ribbon and they'll be fabulous, and warm.

Cathy made hers with the cherries facing out when turned out.

This looks like the foot of Sasquatch but it turned out rather nice when it was felted down to a reasonable size. These are definately Bev's colors.

Sharon designs clothes and has plenty of beautiful material stacked on the shelves.

Her idea board.

and idea wall

Her thread is lined up by color. Sharon is an inspiration to us all and has the best studio for 'celebrating our spirit!' Thanks for putting up with us every month Sharon.