When Forrest isn't carrying his golden retriever around, he's dealing out justice. A bit of background first. Our family is all about biking. We have 5, no 8, no 10 bikes. Houston just got another bike yesterday. Each one has it's own special purpose (besides getting him from point A to point B). Many of our vacations center around biking. Houston and Garrett biked from Barnesville to the Oregon coast, Forrest and I spent 2 weeks mountain biking through North Carolina and this summer Houston and two friends are biking from Missoula, Montana to Talkeetna, Alaska. So you can imagine how upset we were that both Forrest's and Garrett's bikes were stolen last year within a few months of each other. Garrett's bike was taken in Georgetown, mid-day, by cutting through his bike lock. Forrest's mountain bike was stolen from his yard in Missoula where it was locked up.
Fast forward a few months to last week. Forrest spotted his bike, with a rider on it. He was in a car at the time, jumped out and yelled, "Stop!" The guy looked back and took off fast. Guilty! Forrest hopped back in the car and followed the thief until he discouragingly went up the wrong way up a one-way street. Grrrr! But Forrest recognized the guy, just couldn't place him. Three days later he saw him again, this time walking into the university's gym. What are the chances?! (That's where he'd seen him, at the gym). Forrest called in his posse, Kim, his girlfriend in her bright yellow VW bug, Alex on his skateboard, John on his bike, and Forrest hoofin' it. Awesome! They rendezvoused at the gym, ready to roll. Except the thief had a power workout in the gym of nearly 2 hours. Finally, he came out, hopped on a bike (not Forrest's) and the Fab Four followed him home. Bike Thief went in the house while John looked in the window of the shed near the alley. Whoa! Lots of bikes, including Forrest's! John stood guard while Forrest quickly went in, grabbed his bike and they all took off, and fast! So, Forrest got his bike back and he is one happy guy. But being the safeguarding parents, we advised Forrest to just watch his back and again, report all this to the police. He'll just be using that bike for mountain biking and has since put together a retro bomber bike for skooting around town. Our advice....double locks.