Saturday, June 18, 2011

Clean Sweep

It was really past time to do something about re-organizing my dye kitchen.  I was just waiting for a super hot day so I could enjoy the coolness of the basement.
 Lordy! This is how it looked before I did the re-do. After all the dyeing for my shows this spring, my workspace was a total, what-the-hell-happened-here mess! I can't believe I'm actually posting these pics. I never let anyone into the basement for fear they'll nominate me for one of those makeover shows. This is the same dye kitchen that the vulcher found so appealing.

Everything was helter skelter.
Yarn was spilling from bins. I usually pride myself for being so organized but this was so bad that I hated going down there to try to make pretty yarn.
 But with new shelving,

new dye shelves and painting the cabinets black and the walls white again, it's a total new space.

Now I won't be able to dye because I'll mess it up!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I love the new look! You go girl! Bee-you-tiful!