Winter is a time to be indoors so I try to get my room makeovers done when it's
stupid cold outside. This is the after (were you thinking, "Yep, sure does need it!"?
This was the before. I'm all about the color so I went wild on this bedroom a few years ago. Orange ceiling, purple accent wall and 3 dark green walls. Hey, it matched my duvet!
But I was tired of the orange ceiling (who wouldn't be?!) and I wanted to lighten everything up a bit. Houston was away on a trip (whenever he leaves, I paint) so time to move on.
I had already done a few things, like paint that little pink tool chest (that is now my jewelry thing ever!) and re-did the shutter for my multiple necklaces. I ordered rugs from Overstock, bought new pillows and grown up lamps, got all the paint, so I was ready to roll (literally). I chose a light grey for the walls, go figure. But with such a neutral color, I can add pops of color.
Whenever I paint a room, I have to paint the furniture too. My husband had put his foot down on painting the bed. No way. This was an antique bed that he bought for us over 30 years ago. It loomed big and brown for all those years and I'm the boss of me...
so I painted it.
And I like it sooooooo much better.
Love my new pillows!
These are our tiny His & Hers closets. They're a 'Look in' closet, not a 'Walk in'. At least I get my own though.
Love this little picture. These are the things I use everyday (besides scads of lotion)...smell good spray (known as perfume), glitter for my cheeks and sparkly eye shadow.
Since I'm always collecting frames for resale, I held out a few to make this simple arrangement.
Just got this cheery mug at TJMaxx and this lovely little bracelet from Jill Schwartz. Happy spring to me!
This is the only piece of painted furniture that I did not paint myself. Bought it at Chartreuse and love how cool retro it is.
I've joined the iloveowls craze.
And I'm turning into an old lady. I cannot help myself from buying these little French figurines. This is my 'Charbonneau' family. None of them are the same size but c'est la vie.

Houston's dresser. Haven't painted that one yet. He's gone again on another trip so better get to it. I 'staged' this dresser, as in I put all the junk that was on top, in his drawer.