When one turns 30, you deserve a really fun, blowout party. Last Saturday we hosted such a party for Sara, one of my surrogate daughters, Garrett's girlfriend.

The party started at 4:00 and it started to rain at 3:45. We had set up my E-Z-up white tent with tables underneath. This was not the torrential downpour that we had the night before (thanks!) but a steady smattering of rain. The tent did a great job until more guests showed up and it got a bit crowded so Houston and Dennis (dad) got out our camping covering and set it up in the rain to cover more of us. Worked perfectly! It really didn't matter though as we had plenty of wine and beer and good music. It quit raining about an hour before sunset so about 25 frisbee golfers took off for our 9-hole course overlooking the mountains and through sheep fields (watch for poo!). The skies cleared a bit and to the east was a beautiful rainbow and to the west was a crimson sunset. The light was quite amazing and a heavy mist rose from the fields below.

The birthday princess and dad, Dennis.

What does one do at a birthday party? Blow bubbles, of course! I had made a bubble mixture out of dish soap, glycerin and water and this magic wand worked quite well.

But bubbles do pop and princesses can get quite upset!

But then there was hoola hooping to lift the spirits from the burst bubbles.
1 comment:
Aww! I had so much fun! Thanks Dalis and Houston!
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