Yesterday was my birthday and we spent it biking from village to village through the beautiful English countryside. I took Megan (who is a friend from Maryland living here for a year) and Seal through fields, farms and foliage, over hill and dale, to have lunch at a centuries-old pub in Barrington.
Starting out was easy going on the trail leaving Cambridge.
But going through the thicket and hedgerows was a bit more challenging. We had to duck low while biking or get knocked off the bike by a low hanging branch. Critter holes were abundant and one time a groundhog skittered down its hole before my bike bounced over the opening.
Then it was uphill a long path between a rape field and a wheat field.
This poppy field was gorgeous, glowing red-orange in the afternoon light.
Stopping at the village of Comberton.
And finally made it to the Royal Oak in Barrington where we had the most delicious lunch.
I had prawn and crawfish ciabatti with Marie Rose sauce. And the biggest chips (fries) I've ever seen! Mmmmmmm! It's good we were biking!
More of the sights on the way. Every village has the cutest houses. They are all so well tended and the gardens so charming.
Our bikes taking a rest.
And this one is for Mo, our Barnesville postmaster. Her folks are British so I know she'd appreciate this one.
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