It was finally here....the 39th Annual Maryland Sheep & Wool Fest, my biggest show of the year.
I brought more yarn than I've ever brought before. It all didn't even fit into my truck and trailer. Ann had to bring her van over and we filled that up too.
I have such a primo spot, right at the entrance, a 15x20 tent and a 30x20 swatch of lawn in front.
Ann and Bev helped unload and set up. What a great help they were. I could not have done the set up without them.

After 7 hours of heavy lifting, moving, and fussing, the shop was ready for the next day.

Ann had been knitting this shawl and wasn't quite finished but I need to photograph it so I could put the pattern together that night. Bev said she could no way model after a hot day of sweating and thought she looked a fright. I said, "Hush up. I have photoshop." She looked great, without photoshop.
The festival is supposed to open at 9:00 but addicted knitters arrive at 7:00 so I had to be ready early.

Over 60,000 people come to see yarn, sheep, spinning wheels, buttons, pottery, brooms, eat lamb and have an all around great time.
Lots of fondling of the fibers.
Two of my sons, Forrest and Garrett, are seasoned yarn sellers. They both sold my yarn at college, in Ohio and Montana. Only fair since Dancing Leaf Farm put these boys through college.
One of Forrest's friends, Anthony, also helped out at the check out. At times the line was 15 deep, but they were always polite and under control. I failed to get a photo of Natalie, (my long time accomplice) and Ann, who has just hopped on board bringing a fresh, young view to Dancing Leaf Farm. So a big thanks to all the helpers who make Dancing Leaf Farm tick. And to all the customers who came in to the booth to buy my yarn. I did have a great time, but whooooboy, my knee was screaming at me Saturday afternoon and evening. I tried to party that night, but after a glass of wine and dinner, I crashed out, getting a good night's sleep so I could do it all again the next day.
Thanks again to all of you who buy my yarn so I can dye more.
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