Bits and bobs is a term used for a bit of this and a bit of that. These few pictures are just left over bits taken over a week's time. Above is the 'Smart' car. We see quite a few of these and they are just so cute, great for scootin' around town getting two sacks of groceries.
This scene was taken in a nearby village. Note the vehicles parked in the roadway. This is the norm throughout all the villages. One can park right in the road so when a vehicle approaches, you must just stop until they pass. What a great idea! It really slows traffic down. Can you imagine Tina parking in front of her house in Barnesville?!!
While out biking I saw this darling little girl on her bike. We had a chat about the benefits of riding, we compared bikes (mine metal, hers wood) then we were off to our own neighborhoods, saving gas as we went.
Saw these Easter colored wellies in a shop window. The little sign refers to a massive 'Woodstock-esque' concert that took place last weekend, Glastonbury Festival. I've been following the hubbub of this amazing artsy green festival featuring contemporary music, dance, comedy, theatre, circus and caberat. There were over 700 acts playing on 80 stages this year. It takes place about 3 hours from London on a field over 900 acres. It usually rains buckets and this year was no exception. I had an inkling to go but with over 180,000 wet, cold, noisy, drunk, wasted, people there already, I opted to stay in my dry home and watch it on the 'telly'.